Do we deliver to you?


We have partnered with nation-leading courier services, ensuring that your order is delivered to the highest quality. From refrigerated packing facilities to chilled transport couriers, your order is stored in a cool climate right until delivered to your doorstep.

However, we don't stop there. Our eco-friendly, recyclable boxes are specifically engineered to trap cold air inside, allowing our boxes to be left at the doorstep for up to 5 hours. Each order is also packed with a minimum of two ice packs, to further ensure the highest quality is delivered.

At Thomas Farms we  pride ourselves on making our quality products not only affordable, but accessible. We deliver to the doorstep in many regional areas across SA and VIC, ensuring all can enjoy Thomas Farms products regardless of where you live.

Your delivery can be expected between the hours of 7am - 6pm.

Enter your postcode in the box above, to see if we deliver to your home today!


South Australia Metro - 3 days a week: Tuesday - Thursday - Friday

South Australia Regional - 3 days a week: Tuesday - Thursday - Friday

Victoria Metro - 1 day a week: Friday

Victoria Regional - 1 day a week: Friday